“…his descriptive prose really paints the exceptional picture it’s attempting to, as an engaging travel book should.”
The above is taken from our review of Kevin Turner’s first book ‘Bonjour! Is this Italy?‘ and so is this; “…there is terrific talent here which will undoubtedly shine in his next (book).”
Kevin had been a financial journalist and copywriter for a number of years before he was finally found out and sacked for incompetence. Taking that as his cue, he set off on a motorbike trip around Europe, which became ‘Bonjour! Is This Italy‘. His love of all things motorsport informs much of his writing, and when not dawdling around trackdays on his ZX6R or falling off small logs on his KTM, he contributes to various automotive and travel publications. He is currently working on his second book, which records his travels across Scandinavia towards Moscow, in typically hapless fashion.
We can’t yet confirm whether his new book will be available for the NEC, but you should come along to stand 2G31 on Wednesday 27th November and see just how hapless he is!
Read a full review here.