Norman Magowan will be at Motorcycle Live 2013!

32 - NormBelfast born Norman Magowan will be one of the authors visiting the Overland stand at Motorcycle Live this year.

Norman will be signing both of his books in the ‘Adventures in Yellow’ series, which recount the adventure he and wife Maggie had as they rode a pair of F650GSs over 35,000 miles and the length of the Americas.

They are truly gripping ‘yarns’, but you’ll get a feel for that if you just drop by stand 2G31 and have a chat with him on Monday 25th November. Charley Boorman will be there too that day, from 3pm.

At the age of 17 Norman rode his first motorcycle and since then has been travelling the world on 2 wheels. Find out more about Adventures in Yellow by visiting the website

Today, Norman and Maggie live in southeast England where Norman is the Product Assurance Manager responsible for Earth Observation and Science Satellite programmes at Astrium Stevenage.  AIY Book 2 Front - 300AIY Book 1 Front - 300