We are delighted to announce that Dr Pat Garrod is one of the authors who will be on the Overland stand at the Motorcycle Live 2013 Show!
Born in 1964 and qualifying as a doctor in 1988, Pat Garrod is not your typical GP. An inveterate traveller, uneasy with routine, he has worked in Australia, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe. Over the past two decades, despite a serious motorcycle accident in his early twenties, he has ridden four times across Africa and circumnavigated the globe, always two-up.
Having married his pillion girlfriend, also a doctor, they continue to combine a life of travel with practising medicine and searching for the perfect wave.
They have just arrived back in the UK and we are really pleased to say Pat will be signing copies of BEARBACK- the world overland, which was released only last year.
Imagine jacking it all in, packing your life into a 41-litre pannier and riding into the sunset. BEARBACK is the story of two GPs who did just that, downing stethoscopes to take off on their motorcycle, an airhead GS called The Bear, to see the world. A circumnavigation of epic proportion and entirely unsupported, it was a journey destined to change their lives forever. Now in its second print-run, available in paperback and endorsed by Sir. Ranulph Fiennes BEARBACK continues to attract superlative reviews from the likes of National Geographic, RIDE and most recently California’s ADVMoto magazine describing it as “a damned good story, and very well told. This wonderful work fits the category of ‘page turner’ in every way.”
Pat will be on the Overland stand (2G31) all of Thursday 28th November. Click on any of the images to find out more about Pat, Ness and their trip.
Remember to wear your Overland T-shirt to claim your free gift!