We are big fans of kevlar jeans here at Overland. They are great for travelling and work well on and off the bike, helping you blend more easily into your surroundings. They mean you can carry a lot less stuff in your luggage too; a pair of shorts and waterproof overtrousers and you’re set!
Draggin’ Jeans, the Australian company who really pioneered the kevlar jean concept, has just announced the arrival of their newest and the most protective, jeans yet; Holeshot. Holeshot offers touring riders race-level protection for the very first time.
Draggin Holeshot jeans have received the highest accolade possible, with CE Approval at Level 2. This means that Draggin’s protective lining now lasts more than 7.46 seconds of road abrasion, which is very likely better than most race suits available. Even though the world slows down when you are sliding down the road on your arse, 7.46 seconds really is a very long time and a lot more than you’ll encounter in most travelling tumbles.
In the continued drive to look unobtrusive, Holeshot jeans protect without compromising on style and the rigid blue denim has been stone washed to achieve a pleasantly worn look. No sign of them being available in grey yet, but no doubt it’ll be a matter of time.
The jeans include some very special features too, such as climate control that takes heat away from the skin. There is also moisture-wicking technology and an anti-bacterial feature to keep you cool, dry and fresh, no matter what part of the world you are in. We haven’t tried a pair yet and men’s Holeshot jeans will be available from October 2013, with women’s fit available shortly after. The price, rather like the technology and the features, isn’t bargain basement, at £259.99, but perhaps you get what you pay for. Details from www.dragginjeans.net.