Visorcat visor cleaner

The Visorcat, I thought, might be a ‘try once and throw away’ product because at first glance, if I’m honest, it looks impractical and as though it will just be annoying. It’s advertised as ‘The only visor cleaning system you can use while riding’ so for someone who’s been riding year-round for 25 years, I couldn’t think for the life of me, how I’d managed to date.

The rubber squeegy bit you can see in the right of the picture, is hinged on one side so that a small sponge beneath it is revealed when you wipe the device left to right across your visor. Move your hand the other way and the squeegy acts directly on the visor surface to wipe away moisture as any squeegy does. That’s the theory anyway.

Rather like the reason we all travel, I am always open to discovery, so I put my gloves on, strapped the device to the back of my left hand and promptly forgot about it. So much so, that it was only a couple of hours later and when I was getting togged-up to remount the bike after a tea-break, that I noticed my glove felt a little different. The device may look a little incongruous, but I really hadn’t noticed it as I removed my gloves and stuffed them inside my helmet as I always do. So that was test number 1 ; it didn’t get in the way or annoy me.

One adjustable strap goes around the wrist and there’s a little elasticated hoop that is meant to go over your thumb to accurately locate the unit, but I put it around my index finger instead. Not because I’m cantankerous, but just because it felt more natural. This system is so much more secure than all those little finger wipes that I lost throughout the 1990s…

Thankfully this summer has been quite damp so far, so I’ve been able to press the Visorcat into regular service and aside from the audible squeak, it really works well. So well infact, that I’m rather looking forward to using it in winter to clear all the salt spray.

When the weather is dry you have to remember to moisten the sponge before you go out, but there is a little reservoir into which you put some cleaning fluid and this feeds the sponge. Obviously you’d run out of the branded fluid if you were on the road for any length of time, but just water will work and it’s a godsend when the bugs start spreading their innards across your field of vision.

The Visorcat works better in the wet than the dry, but I realise now that I’ve never employed a mobile system for bug removal before, I’ve just peered through the mire until I next stopped, so it certainly passes test number 2 ; it actually works.

The Visorcat retails at £30 which you may think a little steep, but the great advantage is that it isn’t another ‘thing’ to carry on your travels and subsequently lose. It’s in the right place all the time and it works. Even if you don’t keep the sponge wet, it’ll work when you get caught in rain or spray, no matter what part of the world you may be.

Visorcat is available from




riding into Italy on the 28th June I got caught in the snow, so can vouch for its use in wintery (summer?) conditions too!