‘Overland to India’ by Gordon May


“Your bike belongs in a museum, not on the road,” was how one doubter tried to discourage Gordon May from undertaking this journey. Despite intense heat in excess of 40C, a crash in the Baluchistan desert and some of the worst roads and driving standards on the planet, Gordon’s old Bullet did indeed make it triumphantly to Chennai.


In this book, Gordon describes in detail the restoration of his motorcycle and the build up to departure, the larger-than-life characters he met and the many challenges he faced. He also recounts the more personal highs and lows of life on the road. Above all, Overland To India is a heartwarming story that illustrates human kindness and hospitality and encourages other riders to take their own motorcycles on a long-distance journey.


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Overland to IndiaPaperback, 21 x 14.8 cm
234 pages including 8 pages of colour photographs.

Additional information

Weight 0.400 kg